Dr. Jeffrey Fannin Lisa Patrick on the COffee With Lisa Podcast

Meet the world’s most renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin as he discusses brain mapping and ๐—ต๐—ผ๐˜„ ๐—ถ๐˜ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ฝ ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ ๐—š๐—ผ ๐—™๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—บ ๐—จ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ป๐˜๐˜† ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—›๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—Ÿ๐—ถ๐—ณ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ฌ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฟ ๐—ง๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—บ๐˜€.

A “Brain Map” is useful for determining the patterns in the brain. These patterns show what is working too hard and what is not working hard enough to achieve optimal performance.

Dr. Fannin has worked in the neuroscience field, mapping and analyzing the brain for over 17 years. Dr. Fannin has extensive experience training the brain for optimal brain performance working with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), anxiety disorders, depression, and trauma recovery. Dr. Fannin holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, an MBA, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications. Dr. Fannin was part of a research team at Arizona State University researching neuroscience and leadership; including work at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For several years, he served on faculty at Walden University teaching cognitive neuroscience at the masters and doctoral level. Presently, he is teaching and developing courses in quantum neuroscience for Quantum University.


MORE ABOUT Dr. Jeffrey: https://thoughtgenius.com/

Show Notes:

Lisa Patrick ย ย ย 

Good morning, everybody. Well, welcome to the coffee with Lisa Show. I’m your host Lisa Patrick. And today I have a very special guest, Dr. Jeffrey fan. And I’m going to tell you a little bit about Dr. Jeffrey. So he holds a PhD in psychology and MBA and Bachelor of Science degree in mass communications. He’s the founder and executive director for the Center for cognitive enhancement, and thought genius. He’s worked in the neuroscience field mapping and analyzing the brain for over 17 years. And Dr. Fannin has extensive experience training the brain for optimal brain performance, working with attention deficit disorder, anxiety disorders, depression and trauma recovery. Over the years he’s been involved in the cutting edge research using the eg technology to accurately measure balanced brainwave energy as the whole brain state engaging this process forms symmetrical brainwave pattern in both hemispheres of the brain and creates harmony for the front and the back of the brain. So I want to thank you, Dr. Fannin, for joining us today. I understand that you’ve got some leading work or with the United States military at West Point. And you’ve served on the faculty at the Walden University teaching cognitive neuroscience at the doctorial level. Welcome to the show.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 1:28ย 

Lisa, thank you for having me today. I really appreciate that.


Lisa Patrickย  1:32ย 

You’re welcome. I’m very excited to learn about what is brain mapping, and some of the exciting things that I know because I’m good friends with Sherry Gideons and Sherry introduced us some of the things that you’ve got going on, you got some pretty dynamic and interesting things. But first and foremost, let’s get to know you a little better. Where are you from? Dr. Jeffrey, where’d you grow up?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 1:54ย 

Well, I grew up in Utah. And, you know, then we moved out away from the Salt Lake City area and moved down here to the Phoenix area, we actually lived in Scottsdale, when I was in high school. You know, once I got out of high school, then I started to roam the world. I was gone a lot I, you know, worked in Chicago for a while and was in television as a technical director. So that helped me, you know, in in my later years, and then the military came along, and, and I thought I was going to get out of that. But I ended up getting drafted. They they had the draft going on. And they went to 195 that year in the draft, and my number was 192. Yeah, so I went in, I was able to get they said, we’re going to pick for you or you go ahead and pick. And so I took a bunch of tests. And they wanted to put me in the army. And I said, I don’t think so. And so they they took a bunch of us in the room. After they give us all these tests.


They said, You scored so high, we’re gonna make you a helicopter pilot. Well, the Vietnam War was hot and heavy back then, you know, this was in the early 70s. And so I didn’t want anything to do with being a helicopter pilot, because their life expectancy was like 30 minutes, you know, so I thought there might be something in the Air Force. And I said, they knew they had me over a barrel, because they gave me 48 hours to either pick where I was going, where they would select for me. Yeah. And so I took all these tests and, and because of my background in television, and I had an undergraduate degree in Mass Communications, I thought that’s what I wanted to do. So when I went to basic training, they basically said, Look, we can’t guarantee that but we can bring you in, in the general field. And when you get to basic training, just telling me what to bypass specialist as well, I got down there to basic training, and, you know, hook line and sinker. So I basically said, I want to take a bypass specialist test. And they said, No way, there’s a war on because the Vietnam War was hot and heavy. And so he said, we’ll give you some tests here, and we’ll see what you’re made for. So they gave me a bunch of tests. And at the end of basic training, they were passing out the jobs and stuff and so I get this one. It says, you’ll be an AC MW operator. So what does that you know, I’m going to run a root beer stand.


What is an A CW operator? Yeah, but there’s aircraft control and warning. So I learned to control airplanes. And that’s what I would do. And so as Vietnam was getting towards the end, and I finished my tour in cold Bay, Alaska, of all places, you know, where the peninsula comes out, and the Aleutian Islands, the lead very last place before the Aleutian Islands is pulled Bay. Well, it’s been cold bay for a very good Reason, you know, I think the coldest I’ve ever got was a minus 73 degrees Fahrenheit. You know, they wouldn’t let us go outside. But anyway, I was supposed to go from there to Vietnam, you know, because of my background, and I was going to be a forward air controller. Now forward air controller, it’s a guy that sits in the jungle, talking to the airplane, and telling him when to drop his napalm, you know, I’m thinking who have I pissed off now, you know, to get this wonderful assignment.


So fortunately, the Vietnam War ended two weeks before I’ve scheduled the girl to go to Vietnam. And so because I was at a remote site, I got my duty station of choice. So I said, I’m going to Europe. So I went to Germany, and was involved with the, you know, radar group and stuff like that, and doing weapons control intercept. And for a while, and because of my background in television, then they put me allowed me to go in as a television producer, you know, for the Armed Forces Network. So I spend three and a half years traveling around here, making movies and things like that, and doing Air Force now films and stuff like that. So I got some stuff there. And I also learned to fly while I was in Germany. So I joined an aero club, and would fly people up and down the Rhine River looking castles in helicopters.



Lisa Patrick 6:29


You ended up flying?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 

Yeah, fixed wing, you know? Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, people would come and visit me. And I’d say, Well, if you want to go to France, for lunch, France was like, 20 minutes away, you know, Ramstein Air Base. And so I did a lot of that. And then when I came home, you know, got my commercial instrument rating, then I worked my way up, flying tours, for Lake Powell, and air service, and then being able to move into getting enough hours to fly for the airlines. So then I got hired by a US Air. So I was an airline pilot for US Air Base to Dell, and yet, you know, living in Phoenix, in Los Angeles there. So I did that for a while and then decided I was going to do something different. And, you know, that’s when I, they started to have a reduction in force. And so I had like 6000 hours on my logbook, but I couldn’t even get a an interview, because of all of the airline pilots and things because of the reduction in force. So that sent me off. And I decided to go back to school, get my degree in psychology, and learned about brain mapping and that sort of thing. And that really interests me. And so I knew it’d be three years before my number came up my seniority number to get back in the airlines. But by that time, I really didn’t want to get back because my seniority number, I would always be in the middle of, you know, the bubble there, so to speak. So I went off and started doing brain mapping and, you know, then training the brain and so I’ve been doing that for the last 20 years.


Lisa Patrickย  8:17ย 

Wow. Well, that’s quite the story because you go from number one saying you don’t want to fly helicopters to learning how to fly helicopters, which is kind of ironic when you think about it. Dr. Fannin?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 8:28ย 

Well, I wasn’t flying helicopters. I’m flying fixed wing, just, you know, so we didn’t


Lisa Patrickย  8:34ย 

airplane. Gotcha. Yeah.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 8:35ย 

Yeah. Well, I love to fly, you know. And so, I just wasn’t sure I wanted to be a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. You know, I don’t blame you.


Lisa Patrickย  8:48ย 

around telling people where to drop the bombs isn’t fun, either.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 8:53ย 

No. So everything worked out the universe was looking out for me and decided that I should take this path and work with people. Now the way that I do is I was always trying to find a better way to work with people. And so that’s what I do. Now I have programs where I can work with anybody anywhere in the world, and talk about, you know, what’s going on in their brain and how to get rid of subconscious belief patterns, and all the things that I write about in my books. You know, if I started writing those in about, I think about 2008 and 2007, somewhere in there. And it took me a long time because I was traveling around the world and, you know, working with people and, you know, so


Lisa Patrickย  9:39ย 

really good grace for, you know, commanding the power of thought really,


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 9:44ย 

right. I be able to work with people and understand what they do and how they do it. And so my degree in psychology has helped me a lot with understanding, you know, human behavior. And, you know, I think a lot of people nowadays are really kind of stuck, you know, what do I do? Where do I go? How do I get there, I just finished doing a video that I’m going to be putting up here, I might actually converge or change my office here at home. So I’m actually sitting in my little YouTube studio. And so I got green screens and all kinds of things and like around here, but I just did a video on subconscious beliefs, and how we can deal with that. And they’re basically seven lives, seven myths that we all subscribed to, you know, and so that became very important, you know, in helping people understand, and then how do you actually change that. So there is a part of my training is in dealing with subconscious beliefs. And because they are subconscious, we really aren’t aware that that’s what’s happening. Because they’re in that subconscious part of our brain.


So I talk about those things in the book, and how to get rid of subconscious beliefs. And I work with people over the internet, like on a zoom meeting, or something kind of like what we’re doing here, and help them you know, find out what their belief needs to be what the old belief is, because what happens with a subconscious belief is essentially that we have a thought over and over and over again. And that gets part of it gets recorded in our subconscious. And our behaviors come out in our subconscious belief. So if you want to know what’s on your subconscious belief window, just look at your behavior. Well, I’m doing this and I don’t want to, and so you can change that. So I work with people in the world and helping them change something that they’re doing, they don’t want to do. So it’s firing the new one rather than yoga. Yeah, the way that comes together scientifically is we have an event, and then we’re going to put some meaning to that event. And then we add some emotion. And we call that a cognition, those get bound together with what we call acetylcholine a neurotransmitter. And so it’s like when you have a memory about a song, and it takes you way back when well, that gets fired, it takes goes, you’re in your subconscious memory and grabs a hold of that cognition. And that’s why you have that memory.


So when we are doing things, and we don’t want to be doing them, and I used to talk about this a lot, you know, going back in my history, I and I would do things after I got out of my own. And and I’d say, Where did that come from? Why do I do that sort of thing. And then I would go home to visit my parents, and I would see it and it’s like, yep, there it is. So as we’re growing up from the third trimester of our inception, all the way up to age seven or eight, we have no filters. So our brain is basically in.See some people nowadays, even as adults, like owning LASIK, does I ever say around here? You’re only young ones, but you can be immature forever. Yeah,


Lisa Patrickย  13:12ย 

yeah, exactly. Exactly. Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. But that’s so true.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 13:16ย 

Yeah, well, it is because that’s what drives our behavior. And so if we want to grow and develop, and sometimes we can’t get out of that, that young development where we have no filters in our brain is basically in delta and theta. So everything that we were learning how the world works, and what our perception is. And so that’s what guides our perception of the world and what we think and how the world works. And we don’t realize until we get later on in our years, even in our adult years, that there’s a five year old driving the train here, you know, and so we have to do something to get rid of that. But there is a process that can be done. And it’s a physiological process. So I talked about the acetylcholine. And basically what happens when we have a, we want to get rid of the old belief. And that cognition, we disengage the emotion from that. So you may not get rid of the memory, but the emotion gets disengaged, so you have no emotion, so it doesn’t trigger that behavior. And then you can install, causing a second burst of acetylcholine to happen. I know a lot about this, because that’s what I wrote my doctoral dissertation on EMDR on anxiety, stress and depression in the workplace, so and so


Lisa Patrickย  14:37ย 

it’s really eliminating the emotion attached to the memory in order to stop the behavior from occurring in the future. Right. Well,


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 14:47ย 

exactly. Because when we look at the relationship, there are three electromagnetic centers that we deal with, that are very important one is the electromagnetic centers around our chakras. Is the electromagnetic center around our heart.


And the third one is the electromagnetic center around the brain. So there are signals that are going from the heart to the brain to start those electrochemical situation. So we have those emotions and those feelings. Yeah, what a lot of people don’t realize is that the electromagnetic center around the heart is 60 times greater than the electromagnetic center around the brain. So what that really means is there are over 4000 neurites, around the heart. Now a neuron is like a neuron in the brain and thinking, remember, it can learn. And so the neurites. And that’s why we we look at the heart chakra, for example, when we’re trying to develop coherence within ourselves. If you if you look at my friend, Bruce Lipton’s work, in Biology of Belief and those kinds of things, the cells have to be dynamic. And what that means is your cells have to be able to communicate one with another. And so that’s part of this coherence issue.


So when the the, we have this signals going from the heart to the brain, and there are two parts of our autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. So the sympathetic nervous system is setting up the trigeminal nerve, or excuse me, the vagus nerve, from the heart to the brain. And it’s activating those chemicals. So we have those feelings. And so when we get anxious or overwhelmed or angry, or whatever, it’s causing those neural peptides to occur. And we have those chemicals within triggers some of our memories and feelings and from our subconscious. And so that mechanism that gets in there. So this is about developing coherence, or adding the second part of the autonomic nervous system called the parasympathetic nervous system, where it calms down, that overwhelm the anxious the fear, and balances that out. And that’s what we call coherence. And so when we have a coherent system, running through the heart, that we are creating this call, energetic system, that is transmitting the energy and information from cell to cell to cell at one that’s balanced, then we have coherence. And so I did a lot of research on working with people and looking at, you know, what creates the coherence? And how do you do that with people anywhere in the world?


Lisa Patrickย  17:37ย 

And so how does brain mapping? So let’s talk a little bit more about like, what is exactly brain mapping for those of us, including myself, I mean, I have a high level understanding, but not a real in depth understanding, what is brain mapping? And how does that contribute to what we’re talking about?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 17:54ย 

Well, brain mapping is really an eeg and electroencephalogram. So put a cap on the hair. And then we’ll inject gel down into like 20 different locations. And we are looking at the eeg once we get the eeg. And so I will take like a baseline, eyes open, eyes closed, so would with your brain on tasks, things like that. So we can see how it functions in different realm. One of them I might do meditation to see how their brain functions in meditation. So doing over 4000 brain maps around the world with meditators. And what I found is most people have no idea how to meditate. And their brains are far too busy. You know, so we have to learn teach them how to calm their brain. I


Lisa Patrickย  18:40ย 

mean, I don’t know, like, I’d be scared to see what my eeg would say when I was trying to meditate.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 18:48ย 

Yeah, well, they open up the borders, come on down. And yeah,


Lisa Patrickย  18:53ย 

for sure, absolutely.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 18:54ย 

Yeah. So you can talk to Sherry, we did. We’ve done you know, Shannon’s a bunch of other people, you know, to kind of see what goes on with it, then I also have some equipment that you put your finger down on the camera lens, and it will shoot a 10 millivolt charges a little small, you can’t even feel it. So we can measure your energy field, we can measure your chakras, we can see when they’re misaligned, that sort of thing. And, you know, then we can do whatever we need to do in order to bring those back into alignment to increase your coherence. And that’s, I have an eight-week program that I work with people. Now they can see that on my website if they want.


Lisa Patrickย  19:35ย 

And so once you’ve done that the procedure of the brain mapping it and you know, you’ve used the gel and you’ve done this test, what are you looking for?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 19:48ย 

Yeah, they’re there, you know, so we will take the eg and convert it into what we call a Q eg, which is a quantitative eg so I get a bunch of little heads. need every frequency, one hertz, two hertz through all the way up to 30 hertz, and then we can start to see patterns. So when I see too much alpha in front of the brain, then I know people are going to have problems with a focus and concentration issues, or too much beta in the back of the brain.


This is where we’re going to see things like anxiety, and stuff like that, and business in the brain, and that sort of thing. And so we can tell how many standard deviations is there. And that tells me Okay, here’s what we have to do to retrain the brain. So we all have this thing called neuroplasticity, in other words, training the brain. So if the amplitude of a of the energy is too much energy in the front of the brain, and you’re losing focus on grief, we bring that down. Same thing with the back of the brain, you got anxiety, we’re going to bring that down, and cause the brain to function in a normal range, and add the coherence. So now you can do what it is you want, if you’re trying to deal with, let me give you an example of many people have heard of the law of attraction, so to speak, why. And so there are some physics that are involved with that, when we have a thought and it is vibrating at a particular now whether it’s a wanted thought, or an unwanted thought, it doesn’t really matter. And so it’s vibrating at a particular rate. If we hold that thought for 1617 seconds, then other energy that is vibrating, like it will be attracted to it. Now, if we have the wanted thoughts, as these two come together, they are increasing the energy or the amplitude of that energy that is there.


after 68 seconds, we understand through physics, that it’s not just affecting the energy or in that is out there, it’s affecting particle matter. So now we are attracting that which we want. But the problem is we as human beings, we have a wanted thought and an unwanted thought of one thought. So we’re constantly putting resistance into the field, based on, you know, our paradigm, our subconscious belief patterns, all of these kinds of things that are happening. And people don’t understand, okay, well, how do I get rid of those beliefs that aren’t working for me while we go through that process? and get rid of them? And how do I instill the ones that I do want, those are the ones that I want to fire off. So there’s a way of instilling new ones and creating new patterns, new habits of being able to teach that the relationship between the heart and the brain so that you this coherent function? So the cells are talking to each other, you know, from cell to cell.


Yeah, in a pattern that makes sense, right? Clearly, right?


Lisa Patrick ย ย 23:00ย 

Yeah, one that’s working for you, you actually. I’m sorry, I say I was just gonna say I can’t imagine like when I think about veterans, for instance, right, we’re children who have gone through trauma, the amplitude of opportunity to help them through brain mapping must be extraordinary. You must.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 23:29ย 

Yeah, when I very first got into this field, I worked with a lot of children who had been abused, or neglected. And so they had this PTSD, like trauma. And so I’ve worked also with a lot of military veterans and done some studies with things like that, and how, how do you get rid of that? How do you change that? Because it’s, it’s, it’s very nice to measure this. And, and there’s one thing that is very important, and that is the relationship between the cells in our bodies. So that’s why we do you know, we’ll send out a kit to people if they can’t come to me, and there’s two steps to this kit. One, they poke their finger and get a couple of drops of blood and send it into the lab. Then the second part is where they do an online cognitive test. It takes about 15 minutes. So if I can’t get the brain map that


Lisa Patrickย  24:21ย 

I normally Yeah, sorry, Dr. Jeffrey, this is the brain span that you’re talking about. Right? Yeah,


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 24:27ย 



Lisa Patrickย  24:27ย 

Let me let me just interrupt you for one second. I’m going to play a video for everybody about brain spam that really talks specifically to what Dr. Fannin is talking about and then we’re going to explore this a little bit more stem by


VIDEOย  24:42ย 

optimizing the health of the brain is the future of healthcare. brain health is the gateway to produce optimal health for the entire body. The ability to measure, track and improve brain function and key blood biomarkers has profound implications for your overall health. Brain span is revolutionizing preventive brain health by providing a complete blood profile that reflects both cellular health and systemic inflammation and connects these metrics to brain function. The neural health assessment is simple yet thorough. It is generated from two brief steps activated from a small kit. One, a patient performed fingerstick, providing a few droplets of blood on a card. And to a brief web based cognitive function assessment on a touchscreen device within two to three days of processing pen electronic report is available that elegantly illustrates the status and relationships between nutrition, inflammation and brain function. specific information on the omega three index and the Omega six omega three ratio, among other indices, help you avoid being in the dark when it comes to quality and quantity of specific dietary nutrients. The results of the cognitive function assessment are described to include the areas of attention, processing speed, and memory, linking them back to the nutritional metrics and specific lifestyle recommendations, making them more meaningful and motivating. A wellness summary is also provided, so you can easily understand what your results really mean for you today, and for your future, if you don’t take steps to improve it.


Lisa Patrickย  26:27ย 

That was really interesting. So let’s talk a little bit more about that.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 26:34ย 

Yeah, well, you know, when I started traveling around the world and doing stuff with people, I wanted to find a way in order to, to help people no matter where they are in the world. And so I was speaking at a conference in San Francisco, that Bruce Lipton had set me up with this, this deal to speak, they’re about 1000 people at this conference. And they had displays and things set up. And so that’s where I met the owners of brain span, and come to find out that they’re doing a lot of the same kind of research and things that I was doing. So I got involved with them. And I’ve been doing this for many years now. And you know, with hundreds and hundreds of people, where they where they take this test, because I was looking for that relationship between the brain and the body are basically the cells and what’s going on in the brain. And this gives me that measurement. So I’m working with somebody, we will do this test at the beginning of the eight weeks, and then we will do it again, at the end of the eight weeks. And in between we work on how to how to change things. So we can look at their report and see what’s affecting the cells, what’s affecting their brain. And, you know, we can look at their memory, their processing speed, you know, their cognitive functions, all of those things. So if they can’t get to me to do a brain map of QE G, then we can do it this way. Yeah, then talk about what their needs are, and then go about, you know, bringing them in line, we can actually see the trajectory of whether you’re aging too slowly or too quickly. You know, and where you fall in that trajectory. And we know what it is that we have to do taking supplements, actually, they are NRF, one and r two activators that activate these pathways that deal with our aging with our cellular health, that sort of thing.


Lisa Patrickย  28:35ย 

Right, right. And so can you tell us a story about because you must have some clients that have seen dramatic changes in their lives. So can you think of somebody that off the top of your head, that was one of the most dramatic stories that happened for you as a result of

better medic stories, but let me let me tell you how this all kind of got started.


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 29:05

Yeah, it happened kind of by accident. So I did all the greatest things to do. Exactly.

So I was working with a young man who had problems with focus and concentration. So we did the brain map with him. And I was doing the traditional way of helping change the, you know, the process in the brain and that sort of, so as I learned more about these activators, in our one in or two, I put him on his regimen, after we’ve done a brain map. And then 12 days later, I get another brain map. And I saw something that I have never seen in 25 years that I’ve been doing this, and that is that everything was in the normal range. And it’s like, how is that possible? You know, and so I’m comparing them side by side. So I have some videos and Chuck talk about these kinds of things.


I’ve done a lot of interviews, but basically, it was showing that in the normal range. So at first I thought there was something wrong with the with the brain with the cap, you know, with the data, but it all checked out. And so I began to look at this more from a quantum physics point of view, I’d say how is this physically possible. So as I looked at that, and I was talking earlier about having the right environment for your cells, so that they can function normally. And so I began to as I was breaking down different parts of the brain map. And looking at coherence, it went from a very messy coherence, to normal. And now that didn’t cure his add, because there were too many gaps in his learning. But it did open up his cellular pathways to allow this connection is communication between sell, to sell, and open and be coherent. And so as we worked with him, before we started doing this, the parents were getting two or three calls a day, a day from the school, you know, he’s acting out he didn’t bring his homework, he’s being belligerent, typical things that we would see with kids who lose focus and concentration. And then, quote, days later, mom brings in a note saying, from the School of saying, Wow, what a turnaround and tweening. In his homework, he’s doing what he needs to do. He’s not being belligerent. He’s not acting out.


So by the end of the school year, it’s get of getting D’s and F’s on his report card. He was getting A’s and B’s, I have another young man that I just finished working with here, maybe a month or so ago. And he wanted to get into college, he finished high school. But his LSAT scores were so low, that he wouldn’t be able to get into. So we put him on this routine of retraining his brain, and so forth. And so then he’s retook his sh t test, had a tutor and whatnot, that helped him. And he got such a high enough score, he wanted to go to you and lb, but he couldn’t qualify to get in there. And right now, he is at U and Lv he was he got his admission, you nlb. And he’s now taking courses at U and Lv.


Lisa Patrickย  32:10ย 



Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 32:13ย 

So, always, no matter what you’re in, you know what you want to be limitless and be more powerful and have, you know, subconscious belief patterns that propel you forward. So you’re not dealing with anxiety and depression or, you know, not being able to work well.


Lisa Patrick ย ย 32:32ย 

So you talk, like, while I was doing some research on you for the show, you talk about commanding the power of thought, what does that mean to you?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 32:44ย 

That means a lot of things. You know, so we have a thought, you know, over and over, I’ll go back to what I was talking about earlier, that we have wanted thoughts, and we have unwanted thoughts. Now, here’s the science of some of this, when we look at and this is I kind of explained this a lot in the book, that 95% of our thoughts come from our subconscious mind. So in how that process works, in the conscious part of our brain, only 5% of what we say Think and Do will happen. 95% of it comes from our subconscious belief. Now when we look at the brain as a whole, you know, how is it actually processing, that the thinking part of our brain the conscious part, that it processes that at that 40 bits per second? Now, when we go to the subconscious part, it processes at 40 million bits per second, you know, and so there’s so much going on down there, and because we’re not aware of it, we ate out in our behavior, and so commanding the power of thought really is about Okay, what do I do? how, you know, what are the things that get in my way? You know, and so we look at that 95% of our thoughts. And and this one bothered me for years and kind of set me off on this path. It’s like, you know, why would God create 95% of our thoughts be negative thoughts? Yeah, yeah. And so, I thought about that, and I thought about it. And then finally, in one of my meditations, it came to me that the reason that 95% we have to know what we don’t want in order to pick what free will, you know, you can’t have free will or free choice. Unless, you know, we have to know what we don’t want in order to choose what we do want. Right? And so that’s what that’s all about. And so we why we that is the default mechanism. So this is more about deciding what you want, how you want to live your life, what you want to have happen, but most people live life by default. You know, they don’t, they don’t design, what it is that they want and how they go. Without giving it away, they just do do whatever comes naturally


Lisa Patrickย  35:04ย 

good. Well, Jen, Jen is watching with me today. And Jen, Jen were her and I were doing a program called 75 hard, which is really a way of retraining our body and our mind over 75 days, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with a 75 day hard challenge or not. But it is a, you know, patterns of behavior over time, right? So commanding the power of thought to actually change our behavior. You’re talking about how you’re looking at mind mapping and the unconscious at 95% of the time in the unconscious. And so how does things like gratitude, play a role in that, and and you know, some of those soft skills of life skills?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 35:48ย 

Yeah, well, let me kind of explain that, you know, when we look at gratitude and appreciation, and many people use those synonymously. But here’s the science of that, when we are great grateful for something, what it usually means is, we are grateful that we are not here, and we’re over here, you know. And so there is a lower vibration, a lower frequency, in gratitude, whereas appreciation, the frequency or vibration is higher, it’s closer to unconditional love. And so, when people say that, well, I’m grateful for this, if they would just change that to I appreciate this. So for example, I’m sitting here in Arizona, and it’s a very nice day, it’s like 85 degrees here, this is why we live in Arizona. But when it was hot, during the summer, I could be sitting here in my office working and have appreciation that I’m not out there, and 116 degrees,


I can have appreciation that it’s a sunny day, or I can have appreciation that it’s raining, or when I go to bed, I can have appreciation for my nice soft pillow, my nice warm blanket, where there’s difference in gratitude as opposed to appreciation. So if I want to attract more things that I’m appreciative for, and we look at this thing called the receptive zone, so into this wanted unwanted kind of thing. And so I have to open up to being in the receptive zone, and to be in the receptive zone, I’m going to start having that feeling that emotion of appreciation, sending that vibration out there, that I am appreciative, and then I can begin to attract what it is that I want. But I find to have to open up that doorway of appreciation to be in the receptive zone. Otherwise, if I’m putting resistance into the field, with unwanted thoughts, or unwanted feelings, I’m just pushing away the very thing I’m trying to create. So it


Lisa Patrickย  37:56ย 

Totally makes sense. You know, I talk lots about how how to make yourself an eligible receiver in life, right. And that’s essentially what you’re talking about. Make yourself an eligible receiver. Well, Dodger fan, I want to thank you very much. We’re getting close to closing our show here. We’re already at almost 45 minutes. But I always ask, and I always find this really interesting. So one of them’s a lot more about brain mapping and the and the value Behind the Science, which is really important, because I think sometimes we don’t appreciate that enough, first and foremost. But one of the things that, you know, we’re are really in challenging times right now. And so how do we or what is your number one suggestion moving forward? Because clearly, I haven’t had my brain mapped. And I’m not there for the brain span. So what’s what’s your one piece of advice that you’d give people right now today that they could apply in their lives? Moving for a better life?


Dr. Jeffrey Fannin ย ย 38:59ย 

Please. So that’s a wonderful question. And, and I started thinking about stuff like that, because I was getting a lot of interviews and things because of the books created, you can get a free gift, I have a free gift for your audience hear, if they go to my website, they can download, you know, the five keys to commanding the power of thought, which kind of addresses some of these things that people can do. And, and a large part of it is, just don’t allow yourself it’s kind of like training a dog, you know, sit, stay, you don’t stay in training our bright brain to do what it is that we want. It takes a little bit of time to develop new neural pathways, so that the good ones, you know, be pay attention to what you’re feeding your brain. A lot of people get online and watch all kinds of things, you know, what is your morning routine? Deal with? And and so what are you thinking when I have a negative thought, and this doesn’t preclude anybody from having negative thoughts, but when you have One, what is it you actually do? And you, you can stop yourself and say, No, I don’t do that anymore. I’m going to go into that receptive zone, I’m going to think about something that I can appreciate. And it’s being present in the moment. You’re present in the moment, I’d be aware of what you’re thinking about, and then find something in the moment that you can appreciate when you’re finding that you’re not appreciating things that’s not coming naturally.

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Lisa Patrick

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