Police Gang Intelligence Sergeant helping you build your warrior mindset for 2021!
10th-degree black belt, retired Fort Worth Police Gang Intelligence Sergeant, Richard Morris brings his stories and experiences about the warrior mindset.
Richard is the co-founder of Ziglar Blue with Tom Ziglar; Ziglar Blue is designed to bring hope and encouragement to our law enforcement and all of our first responder community.
As a respected member of the North Texas Violent Gang Task Force and North Texas Crime Commission, Richard’s point of view reflects the experience and astute judgment shared by the line of duty officers and their upper-level management.
This important perspective opens doors for better communication post-trauma and critical awareness in the field. Better training results in faster solutions and better relationships between officers and the communities they serve.
Good morning. Welcome to coffee with Lisa. Today I have a very special guest like all my guests. Today I’ve got Richard Morrison and Richard is an international Zig Ziglar legacy speaker published author, a trainer, a motivator a coach, and he is a warrior, a true warrior. Richard is known as the Grandmaster Richard Morris, who is a lifelong martial artist and has been teaching karate since 1971. He’s got a 10th degree black belt in American karate undergrad masters, Pat Burleson and Alan Steen. He retired in 2014. from Fort Worth Police Department’s tactical investigations division as the gang intelligence and Detective Sergeant after nearly 36 years, that’s an accomplishment in itself that you stayed alive. We’re going to talk more about that. But while on the tactical investigations division, Richard worked closely with the F WP D Homeland Security Intel criminal tracking human trafficking, SWAT zero tolerance division, Homicide and narcotics units only man This could be so Richard coordinated gang intelligence and gang detectives organized crime investigations including drugs and homicide case. Richard continues to serve work Fort Worth police department is a better member of the police support team and critical incident and stress management team. He’s a response commander for the Texas line of duty death Task Force. He serves as a reserve, Tarrant County Deputy constable and is the volunteer chaplain for several law enforcement agencies. You have an amazing career, Richard, but not only have you got this amazing warrior mentality, but you also founded Ziggler blue with the late Zig Ziglar son, Tom. So we’re going to be right back with Richard after this message.
Good morning, Richard. So did you share to your stream? I got to share the stream.
02:25 Richard Morris
Not sure I’m trying to find it didn’t pop up. Okay.
02:29 Lisa Patrick
So in order to do so I got to do is go to my my Facebook. And this is a great exercise. For those of you who are listening to happen to be guests on other people’s podcasts, you should really be forwarding your podcast to your streams. So go to wall if you are at the wall. Richard. Yes, Kate. Now you’re gonna want to say share and share over to your Facebook.
02:54 Richard Morris
We’re going to go all the way down.
You might have to start to say, the learner.
03:04 Lisa Patrick
I know she’d be at the very top. Oh, no problem. And so well, what Richard is doing that. So I’ve had just, I’ve had the distinct honor pleasure of actually meeting Richard a couple of weeks ago as part of the research to Jim Cathcart in my book called intelligent curiosity. Now, if there is anybody in the world that I truly in a law enforcement capacity, esteem to really hear more stories about it’s Richard, I mean, the we’ve had several conversations, some amazing stories. So I’m really looking forward to hearing some great stories from you, Richard, to make sure you get it shared.
03:45 Richard Morris
I did.
03:46 Lisa Patrick
Awesome. All right. Your great teacher, Richard. No, um, I don’t even know where to begin. So I have this conversation with this one question. What is a warrior mindset?
04:06 Richard Morris
A warrior could be a spiritual warrior, like a Billy Graham, it could be a social warrior, like Rosa Parks, for example. It could be someone who is willing to run towards the fire towards the gunfire, instead of away from it, which is what most people do. And so you just have to have a strong spirit.
04:28 Lisa Patrick
And so how did you know you in 1971, you started in the police service. So tell me why the police service and I know we’ve talked a little bit about, you know, your grant your father and his work in the military with General Patton, correct? Yes, yeah. And so did that play an instrumental role in your decision to become this fierce warrior in life. Tell us a little bit more about the backstory.
04:59 Richard Morris
Well, Sort of the police department in 78, but started taking karate in 71. But back, I was five or six years old, I started boxing. My dad was a professional boxer before he went into World War Two in a box with the OSS under General while bill Donovan, Bare Knuckle boxing, made enough money, because not happy we put money on him. And so I made enough money to pay cash for a house when he got out of the army. That was such a gentle person, you would never know that he was so tough. But I heard the stories those that he would tell he’s from the world war two group and they’re they keep pretty much to themselves. But he taught me how to fight since I was a young kid, five or six years old. I’m 64 now. And he said that two things. One, if you’re a Morris, you have to make sure your honor, the Morris name be respectable, don’t do anything that would hurt our reputation, even those that have gone before you in past. And he said another thing is what Morris’s do is we protect the innocent, we help those people that are getting picked on that or are getting hurt. So I just grew up with that mindset. I did the same with my children. And they’re both black belts and incredibly tough but incredibly kind.
06:21 Lisa Patrick
Yeah, yeah, I think I think you have to be incredibly tough clearly as the Morris is the Morris name. Right. But that’s the man you grew up with. It’s the mantra that you you give to your children. But you know, it’s one thing to think and grow up and be given that mindset, it’s clearly another thing to actually take action on it. And so walk us through some, you know, some of the early days of your career. And, you know, tell us a couple stories about what happened that, you know, got you to be where you are today.
06:58 Richard Morris
Well, when I was about eight or nine years old, Dad was just genetically incredibly strong. Yeah. And so when I was eight years old, I was breaking the not only the, the nut, but the boats on the bicycles. So he said, You got to quit doing that we can’t afford to keep paying for these expensive and we were poor. We didn’t have much money. Yeah. And so he said, come over here to the car. I’m going to change my tire. I want you to try this in this one because I know you’re not going to hurt it. Well, I broke two of the bolts on the car. So he said, All right. Number one, don’t ever hit your brothers in the face. As a matter of fact, don’t hit anybody in the face. Second thing is I’m getting you a torque wrench for Christmas. I just been strong. I don’t even try to be strong.
I just genetically, I guess physically strong. And so growing up but even though I had a loving mom and dad I I learned lessons from their parents, even though my grandparents were gone long before I was born. My dad’s father was a business merchant. And my mom’s dad was a Methodist preacher. He was an evangelist, a circuit writer, he wrote a horse with a gun on one side, because he’s also the town constable and had a bottle on the other. So we go to four or five churches on Sunday. And so I grew up hearing the stories, it’s important that we tell our children these stories. And even if they say you told me that before, that’s okay. I want you to hear it and tell them because this is your story to the backdrop. And so growing up even though I was physically strong, and I i’ve never lost a fight even as a little kid, I was a year younger than people in school. So what I found out that we were poor, I didn’t know that. And I didn’t know I didn’t think to compare it to. So I went to school, and I had an old us bicycle with a hard rubber tire. Because I wouldn’t get a flat. Yeah, but kids made fun of me because they had the bells and all those things. So I remember that. I would I would still see these big kids. So there was a boy that was almost six foot tall, was beaten up a little kid now I was a little kid. I was in third grade at this time. And I said you should leave alone You ought to pick on someone your own size. He says well how about I pick on you? I said I’m a little kid to go anyway, he started to fight me. I got him turned around, choke him out. And it says a lot because I did wrestling too. And my dad was jujitsu teacher in the army as well. So I learned how to fight on my feet on the ground. Teachers came in Polish apart and couldn’t believe that I here I am someone twice my size. I have been unconscious here on school grounds. I didn’t get in trouble.
But he did. I think he was afraid of me. I never got any more fights in elementary school. Same thing happened in middle school that’s in, in high school. I was already doing karate by this time. I started in 71. And I missed my first belt test because it costs $5. I didn’t know cost anything. Yeah. And we didn’t have $5. We could not scrape it up, because we were paying $18 a month for the karate classes, annoyed yards to help pay for the lessons. And I had went to the karate school, and Paul Smith is one of Pat burlison students. He was a brown belt at that time. That was a high bill. They could run karate schools, even blue belts, ran karate studios back then. Very few black belts in the United States. Yeah. And so I saw that signed me up there. And once I did, what a second day class. I was sparring with this guy is he’s a big, strong 18 year old kid. He’s blue belt. He was tough.
Yep. And he kept hit me in the face. And the teacher said, Richard, if each interface came back as soon as I can. So happened again. And he said, Richard hit him in the face. I said, I can’t. He said, Why can’t you I said, My dad told me not to hit him by the face. And then it looks at my bed. I looked at my dad, he nodded and winked. And I knocked him out. He was out for about 1520 minutes. So he says, I see now why you did.
11:31 Richard Morris continues
And so even in the karate classes, I was physically strong for somebody as small as five foot 335 pounds. This guy was probably 511 185. He was muscular. Yes. And I kept I studied karate. But when I started teaching the same year and the way that happened, there were not many kids in karate class. And Tad Burleson, at that time, did not want to teach children. And usually they were 1112 years old if they did come in. Yeah, so I would help him in 71, I started helping teach classes. I’ve only been in karate, three or four months. But I worked out five to eight hours a day, even then, especially during the summertime. And so I knew all the codons I knew all the things I needed to know I set a goal, found out how long it’s going to take to make it the blackville.
And if I did test it every time it was prepared every time I could make it in three years. Well, I had to wait the two months because I didn’t have the $5. And one day I was in class. Pardon me. I was paired up with Pam Watson. She was a black belt in her brown belt at that time, but her husband was the national champion on the front cover of the credit magazines. guy named Billy Watson. Right. And so I saw I see we’re supposed to kick each other and test I said, I can’t kick in the chest. He said, you’re better Mr. Burke’s, don’t come over here. So I didn’t have a choice. And then she looked at her husband and he went, he went to a thought, oh, gosh, that’s not good. Enough, not good. I wasted that time that I had the gift of invisibility, but it just didn’t have that. Yeah. So I start sparring with him. So to shorten this story, he kicked me so hard in the leg doing a sweep. A my leg was so frogged I couldn’t walk. But it didn’t matter because I was knocked out every block and both my eyes broke my nose and broke some ribs. In other words, he beat me up. But then while I’m on the ground, then he started fighting. This is horrible. And so I when I left that night, I hobbled to my motorcycle. I got on, and I cried all the way home. So because I love crying, I love helping teach, but I shouldn’t get beat up by somebody a great big national champion black belt. I was a blue belt. I just a little kid, still about five, seven or 835 40 pounds. So I said, Dad, I want a quick run. And he said Why? I says Well, I got beat up pretty bad today by Billy Watson. He said Billy Watson did that to you. I said Yes, sir. And they saw had broken nose. My eyes looked like a raccoon already. Yeah, my jaw was rattle. I mean, he really physically beat me up. And so he said, well, that shouldn’t happen.
He said that we just got to that black gi back then you couldn’t wear a black T and just your black belt. When since I was helping Mr. Brooks to teach. He gave me a black geek. And I had a black belt that came with a package. And he said put this on your wall, set your goals. And one day you’ll wear that when I didn’t tell him I used to wear it when nobody was around at home. I did not go outside with it. Not in the front. Yeah, I thought that was important for me to be able to do that. Yeah. So we get there and Mitch versus Richard. How can you run into You’re always here helping me teach. I said, Well, I’m quitting karate. He said, Why? As I’m quitting karate, and my dad said, Mr. Burson, could I talk to you? He said, Yes, sir. He said, Richard, if you only quit, that’s okay. And I’ll take the GI back. But would you teach class while I’m talking to your dad, I can’t just leave these kids out here. I said, Yes, sir. So as I was teaching, and he came out about 30, or 35 minutes later, and he’s standing there watching me teach, and by that time, I loved it. I love teaching. And he knew he knew that that would be the ticket to get you to stay. Right. He already knew that of you.
Yes. And so I never really found out until after my dad died, what they talked about, but yeah, but he came out. He said, Well, let me ask you, Richard, do you like teaching? I said, Yes, sir. He said, class. Do you like have Richard teaching class? They said, Yes, sir. He said, then From now on, he has Mr. Morris is no longer Richard. And so I was going to quit. And I also now teaching, I’ve got my own class, made $5 a class every class, they told me a little bit of money, but back in Sunday, 105 dollars is pretty good for and that’s a belt history.
16:19 Lisa Patrick
So how did you go from teaching in the karate school or karate and depending on who says it, but to actually being, you know, to gang? Like, I mean, you were part of gang is for a number of years. So how, like, walk us through the story of how did you go from there to there?
16:39 Richard Morris
Oh, by the way, you saw just a short aside, my I found out from Pat motion after my dad died. He said, Have you ever wondered what your daddy not talked about that day? And you first start teaching us that I’ve always wondered, he said, Mr. bolson. Don’t let him get beat up by these grown men.
Not until he gets some size on him. I don’t mind him getting hurt. But the girl mentioned me doing that. He said, but I want you to make a man out of my son. And so again, he wanted me to grow up, man. So when I made the, I thought on my black belt test was 1974 April, and I thought a professional boxer named Tex cop Randy tips calm, never been knocked out. Like George Foreman. Nobody ever knocked him out with a 12 or 15 rounds. But I’ve knocked him out twice and broke his nose on the belt. This was a time they called karate. It was the bloody era.
You know, a lot of there was a lot of blood, a lot of violence. On belt test, half the people may black belt, and half of them went to the emergency room. The other half didn’t. So I passed my black belt. And as I got to be 18, and then I graduated from school, I graduated school and I’m 17. But once I turned 18, I decided I wanted to somebody introduced me to a place called Spencer’s corner. It was a nightclub across in TCU, where a lot of teenage kids would go and dancer young college kids. And so I went there. And I noticed that there are people fighting and fussing and so forth. I thought, I think this is kind of kind of neat. I think I could do this.
The bouncer was a fellow Black over mine. He made black after I did. But I started working there as a bouncer bartender. And I know my dad. He thought it was okay. I’m sure mom wouldn’t very tickled with her dad being a preacher. And so I became a bouncer and bartender and I was in dozens and dozens and dozens of fights. George Bray, the other black belt. He was a grown man, and he was 642 40 a strong, strong. And these big old TCU football players would come up to him, said we’re going to beat you up. He said, Hold on a second. Richard, come here. Second. He said, and of course I smile all the time. I think my face is just shaped like that. I can’t help me. He said, Richard, these guys think they’re gonna beat me up. I said, who has a bad idea? And they George always said, You can’t even whoop Richard. I said, No, that’s right. And that really, so they fight me. And of course, that’s where I beat up so many of these big old football players. Yeah. But I met police officers there that were working at the job as a part time job part time police officer. And so while they provide security, I spent time with him and I really liked these guys. I’ve always wanted to be a policeman. And I thought that would be a good way that I can help people again, the Morris legacy, to love and help other people. And so I started writing the crap out of them.
19:51 Lisa Patrick
loving kindness. That’s right.
19:53 Richard Morris
At least placements have Oh my god, Richard, you know, we don’t learn anything in the academy. This is good. So I started doing Training police officers because I was riding in the police car with him at night when I wasn’t working or after I got off work. And so I started working on a lot of things. I found that some of the stuff I learned in the karate studio and I was taking Judo to at the same time, but a lot of this stuff wasn’t working, and in the fight, so I started, I asked questions about everything. And I said, Mr. Brooks, you want to do it this way.
He said, Shut up.
You know, it’s kind of it’s a common answer back in. Years later, I became Pat Rosen’s teacher and he said, Richard Verducci, kick this stuff. Where did you learn this stuff? I trained Bruce Lee, I trained with Bruce Lee, you, you have a greater understanding? And he did. I said, Well, first, thank you. But I don’t agree with that part. But I’m learning. And I said the second thing, he’d done it 32 years old, and I’m older than that. He said, Where did you where’d you start? I said, Do you remember when I asked you in class? Why don’t we do it this way? He said, I knew. I said, you remember what he said? He said I do? I said that’s when it began? I’m very curious, intuitive. I want to learn how to find it. So I started training place and then my Becky and I got married. By the way, I’m old fashioned. It’s may be hard for some people to believe this. But I never kissed my wife until after we got married. Oh, because she wasn’t my wife until after we got married. Wow. So I saw her one night I was a bouncer at the club. I was professional kickboxer. I was a full contact fighter kickboxer. For the four Texans in Texas gladiators trained with Chuck Norris and his team. He had the LA stars, and we would fight against them and others. And one night, I remember looking in the mirror and I started crying. And I said God, I think I need to do something different. I’m going out with too many girls and no I was my hair was long and I was a professional fighter. So I had a lot of girlfriends.
22:16 Lisa Patrick
I should you were the man that every girl should stay away with us stay away from because you were naughty boy that everybody wanted.
22:17 Richard Morris
But I was also very polite. I tried to always be gentlemen again, that Morris legacy. Yeah. And so one I said, God, if you’ll help me find the girl that I’m supposed to be with, then I will stay with her and protect her for the rest of my life. And will I want to serve you help me find a way to serve you. Which is good because I hadn’t been to church at that time. And about eight years. We we were kicked out of two churches because we were too poor.
22:48 Lisa Patrick
You met your you met your wife.
22:51 Richard Morris
So are so I looked down and I see a pretty girl look at me and smile. And I may have smile. I just do that but not interested. And all of a sudden, I see a face skewed over like this. I saw it from here up. And I heard a voice This is the girl that you asked for. You’re going to be with the rest of your life be good to her. Yeah, I knew then that was the one that my dad hit my mom there. But it was a drugstore that was a short order cook after World War Two. And mom used to come there went to teach they both went to TCU. And they met that the same place got married. So I go downstairs. I didn’t know if she was three or 400 pounds. I didn’t know if she had you know, hairy legs and hairy arms. I had no idea. And I look at her and I said oh Jesus, you are so good to make because she was just drop dead beautiful. And still is today. We’ve been married now over 43 years. And we’re just getting started we activations but on the way to nowadays right?
23:50 Lisa Patrick
You don’t see people making hell you hardly ever may see anybody make the 10 year mark, never mind 43 years.
24:00 Richard Morris
I tell you what, what I’ve learned is I do a lot of study and and one thing I find is that research, people thought well, half the people going to get divorced, whether you’re Christian or not. And really that’s about just about right, about half will be divorced within two years. Unless you hold hands together. And you have that intimacy without no other expectations, but to pray together every day. And if you do that, it makes it less than a one in 1000. That gets worse. And I try to tell all police buddies there.
24:34 Lisa Patrick
That’s the secret. That’s the secret sauce. Yeah,
24:38 Richard Morris
yeah. And like I said, She’s beautiful. I like holding her hand. Yeah, we pray together daily several times. And so I became a want to be a policeman and she said, It’s dangerous. I said, Well, if it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go regardless what I’m doing. I believe that God’s in control and so we dropped by the police department and I finished my application process on the way home from our honeymoon. And she cried and cried because he said, Ray, Karen just started to say, Well, you know, a lot of places we get killed, or several got killed the last couple of years, and more than half of them are divorced within six months,
25:21Lisa Patrick
and policemen in the 70s very different than it looks now.
25:25 Richard Morris
Oh, yeah.
Like people with two people unconscious. Can’t do that anymore. Yeah. So I became a police officer. And within a few years, I began teaching at the Academy. And I started there officer survival program, I started wrest control tactics, several different things. Officer survival school, I was, myself in one of my fellow police officers started that way, it was copied all over the United States, the program. And so I knew that one is I better be a good husband. And second thing is that God did put me here, I feel like with all my heart to help and protect the innocent, including the police. A lot of I tell police officers in Texas, it’s against the law, to let and for a police officer to let an innocent person be injured. It’s in our code of criminal procedure. Yeah, but that innocent person, if you are so also includes a police officer. In other words, we violate the law if we don’t take care of ourselves. And so I try to remind people of that,
26:37 Lisa Patrick
well, then you had to had a conversation off set a couple weeks ago. And one of the things that really intrigued me about one of the stories that you told Richard was about the, you know, you’re in a fight, and we’re going to get to get to this story, but you’re in the fight. But at the same time, you’re respectful of the criminal. And that’s how you often you know, the way that your mind works in the moment is really a warrior mindset. And so you talk about, you know, that I would love you to share this story, again, about how there was a gang fight, and then you ended up gang ended up fighting each other, you stood back and watched it all unfold. And that to me, was just like, Wow, that is a warrior mindset, how do you really truly turn tables on a situation to the benefit without using your fists.
27:36 Richard Morris
So I’ve been studying the science of fighting for 40 years. Now, so I, I knew how the brain worked. I knew how the fight or flight mechanism work, how to keep the vagus nerve from causing you to, to go into a panic and there are several if you lift your shoulders up, your diaphragm doesn’t move, your diaphragm shifts message up, and you go into fight or flight. So just like this put you in a fight or flight response. But if you drop your shoulders and relax and breathe a little bit, it can keep you from going into that. So when I got into a fight, I’m pretty calm. It’s like playing checkers for me. Not that I’m tough. But it said I’m calm. Yeah. And I’m able to keep my wits about me. A friend of mine, Roy carbon is a 10th degree black belt and not degree in Taekwondo, both like myself, I am as well. And he I’ve known him for 45 years or so. And he said, Richard, I think the old Roy carbon would make this big destroy carbon up. I said, Well, that’s interesting. He said, What do you mean? I said, I said, This Richard Morris, old as I am, but absolutely destroy the old Richard Mars. He said, I said, I understand the science that makes it work.
So one day I was on it, I was at a patrol East Fort Worth. And it was rough. In that area, when I worked before resigning, I shot four times stab run over and hit by a car. And plus some people just downright mean to me. And this one day, I’m over by a convenience store called in because of a gang is threatening the people at the store. So I’m over there and the O g, which is the original gangster, he’s the old guy, you know, he’s the guy he’s not didn’t talk with just nods than the guys trying to earn stripes to try to get credit trying to gain right kind of like compelte rank and goradia military. So that that guy was loud and troublemaker. So he said, Ma’am, I’ll beat you up or something like that. I said, Is it really what you want? And I said, it may not turn out like you want and so he comes over there and I just go Why am I hitting and then I grabbed him by the neck and a holding up
29:47 Lisa Patrick
Now this is a gang This is a gang member right? This is right?
29:51 Richard Morris
Yes. He’s He’s one of these young gangsters trying to earn more stripes. I’m holding his feet off the ground. And this guy, he must have made a face we’re not good. He was unconscious. So what I did, I walked toward them and said, Who’s next? And then I threw this guy in the midst of all of them. And they, they bumped into each other and they started fighting. And they beat each other up. So by the time the other officers came, I was leaning against the wall and just relaxing. And they said, Are you okay? I said, Oh, yeah, I’m fine as these guys are. Seemed like you’re mad at each other. You see that twice in the Old Testament? Joshua, for example, you can see and judges.
And as you look, the Old Testament, that were people were literally devouring each other. And that’s what they did. And so I did that fight anybody that night? Oh, well, I did hit that one guy. But that’s not much of a fight. Oh, I have been in several 100 fights. But that was not one. But I was using intelligence instead of using physical force. Now they were impressed that I held him off the ground because he was my size. But it was the when people find that I understand how to fight and I don’t react and get I don’t start cussing. What happens if someone starts cursing, by the way 95% of fights begin with profanity. 95%. And so when they start cussing, a lot of times, they call that child because when are they Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, a friend of mine, we’re writing a book called on fighting together. He said, he wrote on killing on combat and civil others.
But he says that it’s like the puppy dog brain. So the when you’re in a fight or flight mechanism, you’re not using your forebrain you’re using the, the the ancient brain, the some people call it a lizard or reptilian brain, but it’s, it’s it’s certainly not the front prefrontal cortex. So what happens is, if the police officer or any other person starts arguing, too, they both escalate, because they both are like children. So if someone’s angry, or drunk or just out of control, you cannot talk to them and make sense. You’re talking to a child in your town.
32:12 Richard Morris
But what happens is a police officer tries to talk to that child as an adult. And I talk to them as a child, you know, you get these big SWAT guys guys have been Delta operators. You know, I’ve trained a lot of those people. But you see them when they had the canine dog, they look tough, they have a beard, then you can make the cut off at the higher pitch causes them to calm down. So I talked with a little higher voice I and I talked to them. Very simple, be nice. Not stop, I do not yell at people in the fight. Again, that gets me up here with him. So now we’re both children. And we end up hurting each other. But once you talk to them, you can get them back. You could get them but yeah, Lisa,
33:02 Lisa Patrick
I know that you have a number of stories to tell us a story where that really took a highly escalated moment where you’re, you know, you’re intelligently curious about how to defuse the situation, using this warrior mindset, the science of fighting. How that is?
33:23 Richard Morris
I’ll give you one example. What am I off? I trained a lot of police still. Yeah. And never missed a week of teaching for 50 years. I really love this stuff. It’s almost 50 a few more months. But I was teaching class and Jose Duran, one of my officers. He’s a fourth degree black belt. He said surgeon Morris, you remember that time this great big guy, he and his wife were fighting and you got the call with me. And we went up to the apartment, you remember all that? I said, Well, I don’t know. I’ve said I’ve had a lot like that. He said, Well, this guy was standing out on the balcony, and he was at least twice your size. And you just quietly walked to them walked up to him and said, Sir, now look, we are on the third floor. This balcony, it’d be a long ways for you to fall. And if you don’t call them down, I’m gonna throw you off this balcony to her. And he’s kind of ships here. They do.
They shake their heads like sparks will pop in their head. And he said, I said I do remember that. And so we went inside and talked. And he said and one thing that impressed me about you Sergeanhoulders and prayed. I said I do remember that. And I’m known for that because People know me for understanding the science of fighting. But I also understand the science of peace. And you cannot be you have to use violence to sometimes bring peace. When Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they should be called sons of God or children of God. It doesn’t say peace enjoyers, we all enjoy peace. Bt Morris is we got there. You brought call because you don’t yell and scream and I don’t know he’s a language. I used to I was I could make an 18 syllable word out of two syllable word. Not a sign of high IQ. But But we he said when we laughed. Remember we all got together, put our hands in each other’s sut the police officer or the military, sometimes they have to use force to protect the innocent, and then bring peace in that way.