Steve Sims Wizard of Oz Lisa Patrick Coffee with lisa podcast

‘You don’t drown when you fall into the water, you only drown when you stay in the water.’ – Steve Sims

Bring your paper and pen and don’t forget your questions. There will be no pussyfooting around during this cup of coffee as we discuss the bluefishing mindset.

From bricklayer to cracking the code on how to make experiences stick in the minds and hearts of others. Author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen,

On his journey, Steve discovered many truths. Steve believes that:
1. you need to erase the word ‘failure’ from your vocabulary. There are only discoveries in your path to creating wins for yourself and others
2. obstacles are always self-invented
3. passion is your currency
4. listening more, speaking less
5. there is great power in asking why three times

Join me and Steve for a cup of coffee,  it’s storytelling time on the #CoffeeWithLisa podcast.


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Lisa Patrick

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